
202 Movie Reviews

46 w/ Responses

haha good ol SPC~

sadly ive never seen the anime and until this flash I didnt know there was a game. whats it for? NES? looks like it.

but anyways, nifty little flash. that background song is dam catchy haha. I think that bunny girl is going to haunt my dreams tonight =P

keep up the great work! grats on the front page as well!


I haven't reviewed anything in a while, but this was definitely worth quite a few of my words.

First off, what a amazing style. its almost like a pixelized vector movie.
The music was a perfect fit. It got me into an relaxed but attentive mood that allowed me to watch the entire movie.
and it was cute hehe.

Thanks for submitting this to newgrounds. I hope everyone else enjoys it as much as I have. Grats on the competition award, you definately earned it.

Rokkan-Saturn responds:

Haha, thanks a lot for so many kind words! I'm very flattered!
I'm very fond of pixel-art, and I feel like vectors just takes too much time to do, even though they're easier to animate. So I obviously chose pixel-art.
And thanks for the congratulations too!

yay! the great drakku has returned!

haha i feel like ive waited so long to see this XD I loved the first one.. watched it for a few hours straight XD (i need a life XP) but hey, I'm glad you've vastly immproved. keep up the great work ^^ please

~fan xan

a 10 meg limit has opened the dor for new styles.

before the 10 meg limit, anything over 5 ment that it was previewed and passed on by the admins. Now a days i guess that means that a high file size is no longer a treat. I wasnt expecting much when i opened this but wow i was wrong.

I dont know why but this captivated my interests. A short film with alot of hidden meanings. This belongs at a film festival but this site is a good place to get noticed. hopefully the other users wont be ignorant to the fact that this isnt a flash.

Keep up your good work. this is a welcomed change to NG.


wow what a amazing movie

i'm glad I caught this movie. I really enjoyed it. you have a amzing knack for sprites and i'll be watching for your future works. I hope to hear from you soon. (msn?) maybe.

See you on the field

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Holy Shit!!! You Helped Out In Sonic's Quest For Power!!! Now I feel truely honoured!! FEED THE EGO!!!! Sorry, but msn doesn't work well on this computer.

Thanks again


see you on the field : JT&co

Age 37, Male



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