
202 Movie Reviews

46 w/ Responses

hmm...line? hey great movie!

Fromthe title i thought it was going to be a filmed piece vs some anated sticks but i never expected this. it certainly was a feast for the eyes and immagination. My god i wish that my creatins could move freely like that. oh well, heres wishin.

great movie and i hope to see another one in a similar style inthe near future.

"get your bubbly-ass away from me" - XD!

man that was funny. definately one of the better kirby sprite films. the humour was funny and clean too, how rare. then you break out into a awsome animated skit. battle with music, good call. after that scene though it just sorta dragged on. static frames while 30 seconds of music passed. so after watching it through i just simply watched the first few skits ove and over again. "you want to be my friend?" *shys away slowly*

sprite crew, meh

but this has to be the first time something has actually caught my eye. random? yes, crappy random? maybe, but its ood enough. lol less of a emo. go depressio!

interesting beat to say the least

neat litle claymation here. certainly made in a unique way. do do do do da do do... i'd like to see another in this style someday. keep up the work, I hope that this passes

The great Drakku comes through again!

Very very nice! I see that you've vastly improved in flash. When i saw your first works I knew that you had sealled tallent that was ready to be unleased. The heart of an artist with an eye of a animator. Very nicely done! Its too bad that you wont be making this into a full movie/series (although who can resist so many reviews saying you should). I hope that this wins a award, good luck!


You are the swish GOD!

Posibly the greatest swish user on earth. Once again you make make my jaw drop by using such alimiting program to make something beyond my own potential. Power to the spriters, but this is way too much! The story line is simply amazing, A friend of mine says that you should be making games. I'd play this one...anyways. This ep had the best of everything thus far! The best action, The best part of the story, The best ...umm...score? and lets not forget the highest file size that NG has ever seen! 11 megs, how did you manage to convince the fulps to let you have it!? This is deffinatly a front page special but I doubt that it will go up there. once again, 11 megs is huge! your award day alone may cost NG hundreds in bandwidth.

My god...that was amazing...

now to take on the idiots of NG :
they dont like text boxes
they dont like buttons
they dont like anything that causes them to think.

screw em all, this film is perfect! If anyone had the slightest ideaof what a year long production takes...sp(r)ite them all!

See you on the Field : JT&co ~ Xan32!

wow where did you pull this out of?

Very nice my friend. Its a awsome cross breed between action and epic. wow I'm actually looking forward to the next piece! I've learned alot about CT from this movie alone, kinda useful due to the fact that ive never played the original. who knew that mangus and (frog?) made such a great team. good luck and congrats


ha ha ha

when i started watching this I thought it was just a imported clip from the origenal commercial but then it didnt sound right. Nice chop job! you made me *gack* nice. hopefully this passes. It's good!

wow, vastly immproved from all your previous works

wow, Im immpressed. the graphics, effects and overall quality looks great. This is deffinately a award winning submission... *whispers* what!? what do you mean it never got a award?! ok we have to get one, how about review crew? theres still a chance. help out people!

anyways, great job luigi. i look forward to the next one!


see you on the field : JT&co

Age 37, Male



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